Going Primal

Poor Justin... on a regular basis I'm talking about a new way of eating, a new diet or something that is supposed to curb hunger, or give you more energy. Diets that require less carbs, more protein, less fat etc.

It wasn't until about a month ago, while having coffee with my friend Lindsey, that I heard about something that isn't a "diet"; its not a fad, its do-able, fits in with a regular lifestyle and meets actual human dietary needs. Naturally, I was skeptical - so often you hear about diets that promise weight loss and fast results but can you ever really believe those infomercials???

Lindsey over at lindseats is my motivation and personal consultant (much to her chagrin) when it comes to all things Primal. (*Disclaimer: Lindsey's blog is paleo focused and I'm going primal however, the diets are very similar). She looks GREAT and admitted that the weight came off relatively easily (no more crazy gym routines, eating like a rabbit and endless calorie counting like we did in university). Linds explained that her diet is paleo friendly, she is active regularly, and she is committed to better health. After hours of questioning Lindsey and hearing about what a great impact it's had on her life, I decided to buy "The Primal Blueprint". I'm still in the process of reading the book however, a lot of what Mark Sisson says makes sense - it will be a bit of a lifestyle adjustment however, after this challenge it'll feel like we're eating like kings!

Lindsey directed me to another blog, Marks Daily Apple, which talks to all things primal. The blog and the book explain the Primal Blueprint way of life versus conventional wisdom around food, exercise, and all things health. Elements I love include the 80/20 rule and the approach to exercise; sticking to the diet 80% of the time is wonderful and cheats are allowed!! Ever heard that before in a diet??? Exercise should be a part of daily life and no more hours of running on the treadmill are required. After we successfully complete this challenge (which is very similar to primal/paleo eating) Justin and I are going completely primal.

Now I'll be honest - while I would say that I have a relatively "healthy" lifestyle I HATE exercising and I love all foods that are bad for me - somehow I've made it work over the years but religious dedication to the gym and completely giving up a certain food group (unless its vegetables) is so not my thing. Following the Primal Blueprint makes exercising very... primal - it's simply about being active regularly, sprinting occasionally, and lifting heavy things. This way of life encourages me to STOP thinking about spending hours at the gym but rather, to get outside and ride my bike (a recent purchase, despite Justin's teasing), walk the dog, park further from the office and other little things that make me more active overall. While some of you are probably saying "we all know this - this is common sense" I found it easy to get caught up in the hype of "regular activity is not enough". My conscience has been absolved!! I can go to the gym 2-3 times a week to do some heavy lifting but get the bulk of my activity through daily activities - HORAY!

Basically I'm looking forward to completing the challenge so I can start living primally; I'm hoping to drop the last 10-20 pounds, see my body transform into a strong, well functioning machine, and take the step towards better health and longevity.

Until next time...

P.S I will start posting some recipes and pictures soon - unlike the novels I've posted thus far!!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! Glad I could be of some inspiration to you! :)
